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via Daily Prompt: Enthusiasm

collectible china known as Lustreware

What we are enthusiastic about is also that about which we have passion. We want to share our love of (fill in the blank) with the world. Our enthusiasm, if we are persuasive, is infectious.

The convincing will have you jumping out of planes without a parachute for fun. Adventures abound and adventurers give life to them that make us want to play along.

Parachuting holds no allure for me, but I once did really enjoy flying a small plane, or at least taking flying lessons, in the Berkshire hills.

Some pastimes may or may not draw us in so easily. Rock climbers climb with zeal, but I have no interest in joining an expedition; spelunking likewise, by the way, has little appeal.

Some find stamp and butterfly collecting a genuinely absorbing diversion. At one time, I found rummaging through other’s memories for treasure a weekend recreation. Collectables get a big following. They elicit ardor but are without much risk, except in some cases financial. There is also the possibility of competition causing some friction between those poking about, and an elbow jab here and there. Zest and gusto can lead to avidity and excess.

Fervor has its own verve. A vigorous pursuit of what you love is energizing. Often, our fascinations need to be shared to be fully appreciated. Most of these activities are more intriguing when we convert others to our devotions.