cautionary tale health riff

Let’s end this

Walking along a street in my neighborhood I encountered several people. Some walked alone and others in pairs.

Most notable about almost each of them was the look of having the wind knocked out of their sails.

The relatively well-off among us are not accustomed to living in uncertainty. This past pandemic year+ and ongoing is just full of the unpredictable, the unexpected and the frightening.

We hit gales, figuratively and what with climate change, actually. The winds blow on us and at us at varying speeds and intensities.

There is no way to shelter from the storms that bring new variants. That is as long as so many of our fellow citizens fail to get their shot. To protect themselves as well as us. To #StopTheSpread.

You can’t convince me this is a personal choice when so many others are effected.

By therealtamara

For an opinionated woman such as I, blogging is an excellent outlet. This is one of many fori that I use to bloviate. Enjoy! Comment on my commentary.